W-WCHS CTAE - About (CTAE Main Page)
W-WCHS CTAE Career Clusters, Career Pathways, and Programs of Study with Linked Course Descriptions
CTAE Program Overview, Area Workforce Information, Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment Survey
Georgia FREE TUITION Programs for In-Demand Careers (HOPE Career Grant)
Profiles in Hope: Life & Career Conversations - Volunteers Needed
YouScience - Aptitude & Career Discovery
What's YouScience?
Whether you know what you want to do or you are unsure, choosing a career or college can be intimidating for you. YouScience is a one of-a-kind discovery profile designed to help you better understand your natural gifts, talents, and abilities and broaden your awareness of career opportunities that match your natural abilities. YouScience uses brain games to gather information on your aptitudes, talents, gifts, and interests with the ability to explore over 500 careers. If you take the assessment seriously, it will give you personalized results which are beneficial in choosing a career that best fits you. The results are so scientifically-based that you have access to your results for ten (10) years after taking the assessment.
There are three versions of the YouScience the career and aptitude discovery assessment. Two for middle school and one for high school and beyond:
Snippet - 6th Grade
Snapshot -7th-8th Grade
Summit - 10th Grade and above
VIDEO: The Problem YouScience Solves
VIDEO: Introducing YouScience
Video: Discovering You
YouScience Login Directions
Click the link to access the directions for logging in to YouScience.
YouScience Completion Directions
Click the link to access the directions for completing YouScience.
Results Walkthrough Videos
YouScience Access for Out-of-School Individuals who did not take it at their high school:
Any individual who is not in school, but wants to take the assessment so they can discover their hidden strengths and find out what careers best fit them may do so. YouScience access may be purchased at https://www.youscience.com/buy-now/. The cost is currently $49. It is well-worth the investment in yourself!