Overview: Agriculture Education (Ag Ed) nurtures leaders in every field imaginable. While some Ag Ed students come from farm families, the vast majority do not. Over 98% of pathway completers go on to work or study nonfarm, agricultural-related careers. Agriculture Education allows students the opportunity to apply mathematics, science, communication, and leadership skills learned throughout their high school courses in real world applications while preparing them to enter the workforce directly upon graduation or continue their education in a two-year or four-year college or university.

The opportunities for students with solid Ag Ed skills are booming in fields such as agriscience, animal science, biotechnology, turf management, landscaping, food science, forestry, environmental science, agricultural engineering, agribusiness management, and veterinary medicine. The Ag Ed program combines agricultural technical skills with rigorous coursework, leadership training, an exploration of the ethical and philosophical issues related to genetic engineering, the impact of agriculture on the environment, and other current agricultural topics. These are two interrelated components to the program: the classroom experience and the student organization, Futures Farmers of America (FFA). The optimal benefit of the Agricultural Education program is only truly recognized when students are active participants in both parts of the program. This provides a balanced approach to learning in the Agricultural Education opportunities to apply classroom learning in solving real word problems.

Students interested in a career in mechanics, construction, or manufacturing should consider enrolling in Agriculture career pathways listed below.

  • Agriculture Mechanics Systems (Mechanics & Construction)

  • Agriculture Mechanics and Electrical Systems (Agricultural & Residential Wiring)

  • Agricultural Mechanics and Metal Fabrication (Welding)


Middle school students may take the following course as 8th graders for high school credit.

Basic Agricultural Science – AFNR-BAS


AFNR Pathway #1:  Forestry/Wildlife Systems
Basic Agricultural Science – AFNR-BAS
Forest Science – AFNR-FS
Wildlife Management – AFNR-WM

AFNR Pathway #2:  Forestry and Animal Science Systems
Basic Agricultural Science – AFNR-BAS
Forest Science – AFNR-FS
Animal Science and Biotechnology – AFNR-ASB

AFNR Pathway #3: Forest Mechanical Systems
Basic Agricultural Science – AFNR-BAS
Agricultural Mechanics Technology I – AFNR-AM I (Small Engines & Welding)
Forest Science – AFNR-FS

AFNR Pathway #4:  Agriculture Mechanics Systems
Basic Agricultural Science – AFNR-BAS
Agricultural Mechanics Technology I – AFNR-AM I (Small Engines & Welding)
Agricultural Mechanics Technology II – AFNR-AM II (Woodworking)
State Approved Program of Study - Agriculture Mechanics Systems

AFNR Pathway #5:  Agriculture Mechanics and Electrical Systems
Basic Agricultural Science – AFNR-BAS
Agricultural Mechanics Technology I – AFNR-AM I (Small Engines & Welding)
Agriculture Electricity and Electric Controls – AFNR-AEEC (Electrical Wiring-Residential/Ag.)

AFNR Pathway #6:  Agricultural Mechanics and Metal Fabrication
Basic Agricultural Science – AFNR-BAS
Agricultural Mechanics Technology I – AFNR-AM I (Small Engines & Welding)
Agricultural Metals Fabrication – AFNR-AMF (Welding)

AFNR Pathway #7: Horticulture and Animal Systems (YouScience Certification of Skills)
Basic Agricultural Science – AFNR-BAS
General Horticulture and Plant Science – AFNR-GHPS
Animal Science and Biotechnology – AFNR-ASB

AFNR Pathway #8: Horticulture and Forest Science (YouScience Certification of Skills)
Basic Agricultural Science – AFNR-BAS
General Horticulture and Plant Science – AFNR-GHPS
Forest Science – AFNR-FS

AFNR Pathway #9: Horticulture/Mechanical Systems (YouScience Certification of Skills)
Basic Agricultural Science – AFNR-BAS
General Horticulture and Plant Science – AFNR-GHPS
Agricultural Mechanics Technology I – AFNR-AM I (Small Engines & Welding)


To learn more about careers in the skilled trades, visit:

COLLEGE CREDIT OPPORTUNITY at Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College (ABAC).:
Students who complete a state-approved pathway in the Agriculture Career Cluster, successfully pass the End-of-Pathway (EOP) exam, and submit a Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE) proficiency application or receive their State FFA Degree will be eligible for three prior learning credits toward any major or degree within the School of Agriculture and Natural Resources (SANR) at Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College (ABAC).


The National FFA Organization

Year Founded: 1928

Mission: The National FFA Organization is dedicated to making a positive difference in the lives of young people by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth, and career success through agricultural education.

Workforce-Related Pathways:

  • Agriscience

  • Forestry/ Natural Resources

  • Agriculture Mechanics

  • Animal Science

  • Plant Science / Horticulture

  • Agribusiness Management

  • Veterinary Science

National Website:

State Website:

Local Advisers-Middle & High School:
Mr. Garrett (
Ms. Seawright (

Approximate Basic Membership Cost: $20