Alumni Showcase Poster
We want to showcase the journeys of our Washington-Wilkes Tiger Alumni through a poster series. Our goal is to inspire the next generation by highlighting the accomplishments of our esteemed alumni! Whether you are an entrepreneur, artist, educator, scientist, or have a unique story to tell, your experiences can motivate and guide current students on their paths. To be featured in an alumni poster, complete the form linked here. You will need to email a picture of yourself (headshot or in your work environment) to Dr. Alicia Finnell at ctaedirectorfinnell@wilkes.k12.ga.us.
View the first poster in our Tiger Success Story poster series featuring Todd Smith from the Class of 1993 below!

Life & Career Conversations
The goal of “Life & Career Conversations” is to expose students to alumni and other community members who want to inspire and motivate students by sharing their story, especially their career journey. Our desire is to give students hope. We want to help them visualize their futures as successful adults and prepare for those futures. The Life & Career Conversations sessions may be informal conversations or formal presentations with question/answer sessions.
Length: A typical session would last from 30 minutes to 1 hour, depending on student participation.
Audience: Students in grades 6-12.
Topics: Within the time allotted, information you may share includes, but is not limited to the following:
Please include high school academics, athletics, fine arts, organizations and clubs, and work-based learning experiences. We want to encourage students to take advantage of opportunities we have for them.
Post High School Life & Career Journey and Advice
Life lessons
Career selection (academic major) and why you chose the career
Education and training path
Did you participate in job shadowing, internships, or apprenticeships?
Highlights of your career/work experience
Your Current/Last Career
Job responsibilities
Work environment
Important personal traits/qualities
Work values
Technical skills and qualifications required/recommended including licenses
Job titles
Career progression
PAY/Salary Range
Related careers
Trends in your field
Rewards of being part of your field
Employment advice/suggestions for young people
Advice/suggestions for someone who wants to enter your field
Things you wish someone had shared with you while you were in high school that would have made your journey easier
Student question/answer session
Visual Aids: Visual aids are encouraged. For virtual conversations, we will use Google Meet for video conferencing, and you will be able to share your screen. For face-to-face conversations, you will have access to an LCD projector to show a presentation, video, or pictures. We welcome the opportunity to see tools of your trade and anything else that will help students visualize your profession.
Helpful Tips:
Use plain language that students can understand. Avoid technical jargon.
Encourage diversity, especially in nontraditional occupations and careers.
Answer questions honestly. If you don’t know the answer to a question, say that. Let students know you will research and find the answer, if that’s possible.
Encourage students to set goals. Let them know that with hard work, they can achieve those goals.
Video Conferencing (Virtual Visit): We are allowed to use Google Meet as our video conferencing solution. To join a meet, all you need is a Gmail account and a device with a camera. The teacher you are working with will share a Google Meet "Join" link with you to join the virtual session.
Volunteering: You may speak to students enrolled in any of our career programs: Agriculture, Food, & Natural Resources (includes forestry, horticulture, mechanics systems, electrical systems, woodworking, welding); Business; Education; Health Science; or Information Technology. If you are interested in doing a "Profiles in Hope" guest speaking session, please complete the form linked here.
If you have questions, you may email Dr. Alicia Finnell at finnella@wilkes.k12.ga.us.
Visitor Parking Information :
Address: 1182 Tignall Road, Washington, GA 30673
Parking Directions: Enter the second entrance of the school from Tignall Road. Once on campus, turn right to enter the traffic circle. Follow it around to the parking area to park. Enter the school building and sign in. The high school sign-in area is on the left. The middle school sign-in area is on the right. See the map below for guidance.