CTAE - Career, Technical, and Agricultural Education

Formerly known as Vocational Education


February is CTAE Month

What is CTAE?
Career, Technical, and Agricultural Education

Preparing Tomorrow's Workforce Today 

Career, Technical and Agricultural Education (CTAE) is education about and for careers. CTAE was formerly known as vocational education. "The mission of CTAE is to educate Georgia's future workforce by engaging students in experiences that will prepare them for workplace success. Through CTAE, students see the relevance of their high school efforts to their future career goals..." (GaDOE).

In Wilkes County, at the primary and elementary school level, attention is focused on career awareness and exploration. At the secondary level (Grades 6-12), the goal of CTAE programs is to help students learn more about their career interests and prepare them with foundational career skills that will enable them to be successful as they transition from school to the world of work. We want students to graduate from high school with a workable plan for their futures that will allow them to become self-sustaining, productive members of society.

CTAE provides students with specialized classes, internships, and networking opportunities with members of their community. CTAE programs prepare students for a wide range of high-wage, high-skill, in-demand careers. Opportunities are offered for students to earn industry-recognized credentials like the Microsoft Office Specialist certifications and the Georgia Certified Nursing Aide (CNA) license. Students can also earn college-level credit as part of CTAE Pathway completion if they pass the End-of-Pathway Assessment at a certain level with specific requirements met.

 Learn more about the goals we have for our CTAE program graduates by viewing the Profile of a Georgia CTAE Graduate.

Profile of Georgia CTAE Graduate Image

Of our total school enrollment, 92.05% of our students are enrolled in CTAE courses. The graduation rate for students involved in CTAE pathways in Georgia is 97.75%. That is 13 percentage points higher than the state average graduation rate. At W-WCHS, the graduation rate for CTAE Concentrators is 98.6%. When involved in CTAE, students are engaged and able to see the relevance of their education. Students participating in CTAE have a variety of postsecondary education options including the following:

  • Four-year college/university

  • Two-year college

  • Technical college

  • Military Service

  • Registered Apprenticeships

CTAE Program
Career Pathways

Career Pathways are state-approved career enhancement programs defined as a coherent, articulated sequence of rigorous academic and career related courses usually commencing in the ninth grade and leading to an associate degree, and/or an industry-recognized certificate or licensure, and/or a baccalaureate degree and beyond.

CTAE provides all Georgia students with the opportunity to select at least three sequenced electives in a Career Pathway, along with recommended academic coursework, to prepare them to continue their education at any level or to enter the world of work.

Selection of a Career Pathway is based on self-awareness and the investigation of occupations plus related educational levels aligned with the Career Pathway. Students in Wilkes County can participate in five CTAE program concentrations and their related Career Pathways. College credit opportunities are available in the pathways noted below (click link for details). Students may also participate in co-curricular Career and Technical Student Organization (CTSO) related to program areas. 


Career Pathways Offered: 

  • Forestry/Wildlife Systems

  • Forestry and Animal Science Systems

  • Forest Mechanical Systems

  • Agriculture Mechanics and Electrical Systems (Agricultural & Residential Wiring)

  • Agricultural Mechanics and Metal Fabrication (Welding)

  • Agriculture Mechanics Systems (Mechanics & Construction)

  • Horticulture and Animal Systems

  • Horticulture and Forest Science

  • Horticulture/Mechanical Systems

Students interested in a career in mechanics, construction, or manufacturing should consider enrolling in Agriculture career pathways listed below.

  • Agriculture Mechanics and Electrical Systems (Agricultural & Residential Wiring)

  • Agricultural Mechanics and Metal Fabrication (Welding)

  • Agriculture Mechanics Systems (Mechanics & Construction)

College Credit Opportunity at Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College (ABAC).:
Students who complete a state-approved pathway in the Agriculture Career Cluster, successfully pass the End-of-Pathway (EOP) exam, and submit a Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE) proficiency application or receive their State FFA Degree will be eligible for three prior learning credits toward any major or degree within the School of Agriculture and Natural Resources (SANR) at Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College (ABAC).

To learn more about careers in the skilled trades, visit:

View related careers using the links below:
Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources
Architecture & Construction
Transportation, Distribution & Logistics

*You may be able to get your postsecondary training for free with the HOPE Career Grant. Learn more about the opportunities at GAfutures HOPE Career Grant.


Career Pathways Offered: 

  • Business Management and Finance (Middle School)

  • Business and Technology (Microsoft Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint; Business Communications)

  • Entrepreneurship (College Credit Opportunity-NOCTI)

View related careers using the links below:


Career Pathways Offered: 

  • Computer Science

  • Programming

  • Game Design

*You may be able to get your postsecondary training for free with the HOPE Career Grant. Learn more about the opportunities at GAfutures HOPE Career Grant.

View related careers using the link below:


Career Pathway Offered: 

*You may be able to get your postsecondary training for free with the HOPE Career Grant. Learn more about the opportunities at GAfutures HOPE Career Grant.

View related careers using the link below:


Career Pathways Offered: 

* You may be able to get your postsecondary training for free with the HOPE Career Grant. Learn more about the opportunities at GAfutures HOPE Career Grant.

View related careers using the link below:


Technical College System of Georgia
Articulation agreements between the Georgia Department of Education and the Technical College System of Georgia provide opportunities for high school students to earn college credit while still in high school. These agreements allow students to take specific courses at their high school or a local college that count toward both high school graduation and college degree programs. This means students can get a head start on their college education and save time and money after graduation. Washington-Wilkes students can earn credits in the following areas: Early Childhood Education and Health Science-Patient Care. See the links below for details.
-Early Childhood Education: https://5il.co/384qj
Health Science-Patient Care Technician: https://5il.co/384qk

University System of Georgia
The Georgia Department of Education and the University System of Georgia have established an articulation agreement that enables high school students to earn college credit in Education while still in high school. Through this agreement, students can take select courses at their high school or a local college, which count toward both high school graduation and college degree requirements. This provides students the opportunity to get a head start on their college education, saving both time and money after graduation. Washington-Wilkes students can earn credit in Early Childhood Education. For more details, go to https://5il.co/3857z

Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College (ABAC)
Students who complete a state-approved pathway in the Agriculture Career Cluster, successfully pass the End-of-Pathway (EOP) exam, and submit a Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE) proficiency application or receive their State FFA Degree will be eligible for three prior learning credits toward any major or degree within the School of Agriculture and Natural Resources (SANR) at Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College (ABAC). To learn more visit https://5il.co/3849f.

NOCTI, the National Occupational Competency Testing Institute, is a non-profit organization that creates and conducts assessments designed to evaluate the skills and knowledge required for various careers and job roles. NOCTI works with the National College Credit Recommendation Service (NCCRS) to turn certain credentials into college credit recommendations. Early Childhood Education and Entrepreneurship students at Washington-Wilkes, take NOCTI assessments at the end of their career pathway. If students score 70% or higher on these assessments, they can earn college credit recommendations. A free College Credit Recommendation Report is created for eligible students to share with the college or university they want to attend. This report can be used at participating schools for credit consideration. Students who pass may also get an official transcript through NOCTI's partnership with Excelsior College. To find out more about college credit opportunities, students should reach out to the program they are in or want to join. To learn more, visit https://www.wilkes.k12.ga.us/o/wwchs/page/ctae-nocti-college-credit.


The Georgia Career Ready Diploma Seal is awarded to graduating students who complete a series of accomplishments as outlined below. At W-WCHS, our students may earn either the Pathway Skills Seal or the Distinguished Pathway Skills Seal.



Work-Based Learning

Work-Based Learning (WBL) programs are structured experiences that connect students’ career goals and classroom learning with a productive work environment. Work-Based Learning provides students the opportunity to know what they like to do as well an opportunity to develop work skills and personal qualities and to explore the world-of-work directly linked to their career interests.

Work-Based Learning includes student placement in positions that may be paid or unpaid. WBL placement experiences give students opportunities for instruction not only in academics but also in occupational skills, career exploration, and guidance in identifying employment and educational goals. Students truly have the opportunity to connect what they learn in school with work-site application, enabling a smooth transition into the workforce and/or education beyond high school.

There are three interlocking components of Work-Based Learning:

  • Student Career Goal

  • Related Coursework

  • Structured Work Experience

Employers aid students’ education by creating relevant curriculum, developing occupational skill standards specific to business and industry, and assessing student performance.

Career and Technical Student Organizations

"Career and Technical Student Organizations (CTSO) enhance student learning through leadership and personal development, applied learning and real world application.

Career and Technical Student Organizations (CTSO) are a vital part of Career, Technical and Agricultural Education (CTAE). CTSOs play an integral role in preparing students to become college and career ready members of society who hold productive leadership roles in their communities. CTSOs are committed to the growth of students in all CTAE career pathways.

These organizations provide motivation, leadership training, and career development opportunities for students enrolled in Career, Technical and Agricultural Education programs in middle and high schools and enhance their occupational, employability and leadership skills through various activities such as conferences, award programs, service projects, and competitive events. These organizations conduct activities and events at the local, state and national levels in which students can participate and compete." Source: http://gactso.org/ 

Each career program area has a nationally recognized CTSO associated with it. Each CTAE course has CTSO standards and objectives embedded within the course. All students are encouraged to join the CTSO related to their career interest area. In Wilkes County, CTSO membership opportunities are offered for middle and high school students. Learn more about each organization by right clicking on the link and opening it in a new tab or new window. You may also review the Georgia CTSOs Information Guide linked here. 

Program: Agriculture
CTSO: National FFA Organization (Georgia FFA)


Program: Business, Management & Administration
CTSO: Future Business Leaders of America (Georgia FBLAfor middle & high school students



Program: Health Science
CTSO: HOSA Future Health Professionals (Georgia HOSA)


For more information about the CTAE Program, please contact:

Career, Technical, and Agricultural Education Director