Wilkes County Online Registration 2024-25
Wilkes County Schools are now offering online registration for new students in grades K-12 for the 2024-2025
school year.
This online registration tool allows parents/guardians to start the registration process from the convenience of home. Parents/guardians will be able to register multiple students in different schools at the same time. This will eliminate the need to fill out multiple enrollment packets. The online registration tool has the convenience of saving the application progress for completion at a later time.
The student's parents or legal guardian must be a resident of Wilkes County School district. Students must be registered by a parent or a legal guardian. For Kindergarten, a student must be 5 on or before September 1, 2024.
Special Notes
The Wilkes County Schools understands the importance of a quality education. Our goal is to process your enrollment application within two to three business days; however, during peak enrollment periods there may be a backlog and this process may be delayed. We appreciate your patience during these periods.
• Parents/Guardians should submit paperwork to registrars ONLY.
• Parents/Guardians who register during the summer months may email enrollment documents to campushelp@wilkes.k12.ga.us